Paket Lengkap Efek Pertolongan Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Terstandarisasi Dan Gambir Yang Berasal Dari Payakumbuh Terhadap Perbaikan Tukak Lambung Pada Tikus Putih Jantan
12:47 AM
Abstract: There has been a study of the standardized gambier effect (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) And gambir derived from Payakumbuh area on the improvement of gastric ulcers in male rats induced by absolute ethanol 1 ml / 200 g BB rat. This study was an experimental study using male white rats divided into 4 groups with dosage 1 x daily for 2 days. The group consisted of negative control, positive control, 2 treatment groups (Standardized gambir and gambir Payakumbuh) with a gambir dose of 300 mg / kg BW administered orally. The method used was rat induction method using ethanol absolute where the parameters observed were recovery of peptic ulcer and pH of stomach fluid to normal. The results showed that gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) Had significant effect on povary index and pH (p <0,05), where standardized gambir group was better than gambir Payakumbuh to repair peptic ulcer.
Kata Kunci: Uncaria gambir Roxb, gambir terstandarisasi, Payakumbuh, tukak lambung
Penulis: Lola Azyenela
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd180102
